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Crack of vulnerability.
Triple DES is vulnerable.
128-bit encryption is next.

You need more to defend your system against today's threats.

Double ROT128 Encryption Software

Twice the 128 for Twice the Security

Pillar of Sturdiness Double ROT128 uses a modern sophisticated full-character-set version of ROT13, the tried and true public encryption algorithm subjected to decades of peer review, used by military intelligence officers, and included in many UNIX systems. You hear that? It's in UNIX and UNIX is like way secure.
IC of Technical Sophistication At its core, Double ROT128 uses iterative finite-sequential O(n) modulus 0x100 addition. That means the character encryption is functionally identical to a one-time pad but without the hassle of a one-time pad, thanks to a proprietary fixed 200-octal encryptor. Eat your heart out, Bruce Schneier.
Padlock of security. Once encrypted, every character is fed through the same encryption engine again to make it super-hackproof. Full details of the algorithm are of course secret to provide you with maximum security. You'll never guess it. When encrypted sample texts were submitted to an elite team of hackers to break, they didn't even see a point in trying.
Mouse of user friendliness. Using advanced keyless encryption, there is no password to memorize, lose, be sniffed or stolen, or be vulnerable to a brute force attack. Double ROT128 runs entirely in the background with no user interaction at all. Simply open your file and it is decrypted automatically. Save or email it, and it is encrypted automatically.
Turbine of speed. Fast? Most of our clients discern effectively no difference when using Double ROT128.

Download and Install Double ROT128 Now!